Roku Keeps NRATV Despite Pressure to Drop Channel: We Don’t ‘Censor Based on Viewpoint’ - All NEWS

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Roku Keeps NRATV Despite Pressure to Drop Channel: We Don’t ‘Censor Based on Viewpoint’

Despite mounting pressure to do so, the company behind the streaming platform Roku has opted to not drop NRATV from its system’s services, citing the organizations commitment to not “censor based on viewpoint.”

In the days following the recent Parkland, Florida shooting that resulted in the death of 17 people, pro-gun control activists have called for different tech companies to drop NRATV from their platforms. Roku, as well as Apple, Google, and Amazon, were targeted with the #DumpNRATV hashtag.

Roku defended their decision to keep the channel run by America’s largest Second Amendment group, saying:

“While the vast majority of all streaming on our platform is mainstream entertainment, voices on all sides of an issue or cause are free to operate a channel. We do not curate or censor based on viewpoint. We are not promoting or being paid to distribute NRA TV. We do not and have not ever had a commercial relationship with the NRA. Their channel is free to consumers with no ads. We welcome Moms Demand Action and other important groups to use our platform to share their messages too.”

Despite other streaming services receiving constant demands and petitions to drop NRATV, Roku is the only one to respond so far.

They further defended their decision by saying NRATV has not released “content that is unlawful, incites illegal activities or violates third-party rights, among other things.”

“If we determine a channel violates these policies, it will be removed. To our knowledge, NRA TV is not currently in violation of these content policies,” concluded the company.

[images via screengrab]

Follow the author on Twitter (@calebecarma).

from Mediaite

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