Sean Hannity Calls CNN ‘The Sh-Hole Network’ During CPAC Live Audience Episode - All NEWS

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Thursday, February 22, 2018

Sean Hannity Calls CNN ‘The Sh-Hole Network’ During CPAC Live Audience Episode

Sean Hannity delivered his Fox News primetime show from CPAC this year, and dismissed rival network CNN in derogatory terms before a crowd of a MAGA-hat clad fans.

Hannity’s opening monologue at CPAC was a sort of greatest hits of his usual sermons, featuring him calling out “the conspiracy media,” “exposing the deep state” and taking jabs at none other than Hillary Clinton.

“The people in the media are nothing but liars and frauds,” Hannity told his very animated live audience. “And, by the way, they’re really just an extension of the Democratic party.”

Hannity went on to explain the “made up false narrative about so-called collusion” is “all about to start boomeranging back.”

The Fox News host went on to detail the high crimes of Clinton, before taking aim at the media outlets that are supposedly complicit in her lawlessness.

“Fake News, the sh-hole Network, CNN,” Hannity quipped.

His remark is ostensibly a reference to the news cycle earlier this year in which CNN reported on President Donald Trump’s comments that immigrants from African nations are “people from sh*thole countries.” The network frequently repeated the president’s reported comments on air, apparently offending Hannity’s sensibilities.

Hannity’s CPAC special went on to feature a lineup of guests making the case against allegations the Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia, from self-employed investigative journo Sara Carter to Mustang-driver on-the-lam Sebastian Gorka.

[image via screengrab]

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