Judge Pirro to Sexual Assault Survivor Who Confronted Flake: ‘Don’t You Dare Blame Brett Kavanaugh for Your Victimization’ - All NEWS

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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Judge Pirro to Sexual Assault Survivor Who Confronted Flake: ‘Don’t You Dare Blame Brett Kavanaugh for Your Victimization’

On Saturday, Fox News’ Judge Jeanine Pirro delivered an angry opening monologue sparked by the Kavanaugh hearings that accused Senate Democrats, cast doubt on Christine Blasey Ford‘s recollections and slammed the sexual abuse survivor who confronted Sen. Jeff Flake.

“Christine Blasey Ford is a lovely lady who is credible and I believe something happened to her. But she is in over her head and she is being used,” Pirro began before casting doubt on her memory, claiming Ford “couldn’t remember the fundamentals” and questioning why her lawyers said she couldn’t fly.

She then turned to Sen. Jeff Flake and the elevator confrontation that helped prompt his call for an FBI probe of Kavanaugh.

“The man buckles after two women scream at him while preventing his elevator door from closing,” Pirro said.

Next, she played the clip of the woman telling Flake during the elevator confrontation, “You’re telling me my assault doesn’t matter.”

Then, referring to the sexual assault survivor that confronted Flake, Pirro said this: “What happened to me doesn’t matter?  Of course, it matters. But what does your abuse have to do with Brett Kavanaugh? Hundreds of thousands of women have been abused in this country. Take your anger out on the person who abused you. Go to court, convict him, send him to jail, spit on him, I don’t care. But don’t you dare blame Brett Kavanaugh for your victimization. Only wimp Jeff flake is dumb enough, weak enough to not even get it.”

But Pirro was not done yet.

She called Sen. Cory Booker “a wannabe Spartacus,”  claimed Mazie Hirono allegedly finished high school and railed against Sen. Dianne Feinstein before bringing her angry open to a close by promoting her new book.

Watch above, via Fox News

[image via screengrab]

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/2IsRPYT

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