WATCH LIVE: Trump Holds Rally in Johnson City, TN Amid Kavanaugh Investigation - All NEWS

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

WATCH LIVE: Trump Holds Rally in Johnson City, TN Amid Kavanaugh Investigation

President Trump will appear at rally in Johnson City, Tennessee tonight to generate midterm election support for Republican Senate candidate, Rep. Marsha Blackburn. The rally is scheduled to start at 7:20 p.m. ET.

Considering everything that happened over the last few days, Trump will more than likely speak about the ongoing firestorm swirling around Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is up in the air as Democrats and Republicans argue about how to proceed in light of his multiple allegations of sexual misconduct. Even though Trump says the FBI should be allowed to do what they must to examine the claims from Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, he continues to defend Kavanaugh while attacking Democrats over how they’ve handled this ongoing development.

Trump might also use take this opportunity to talk some more about the trade deal he ratified today with Canada and Mexico. The president held a press event earlier today where he touted his economic policy while rolling out the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement, an amended version of the North American Free Trade Agreement. While the deal is touted for opening markets for farmers and manufacturers, critics remain concerned that a trade war possibility still exists, and the NAFTA rebranding might not actually mean a drastic change in terms of the impact on trade.

Other topics that might come up include Rod Rosenstein‘s uncertain future, Trump’s “love” for Kim Jong Un, and his administration’s decision to expand the investigation into the claims against Kavanaugh.

Watch above, via CBS.

[Image via screengrab]

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