Trump After Dershowitz’s Appearance on Hannity: ‘Mueller Refuses to Look at the Real Crimes’ - All NEWS

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Friday, November 30, 2018

Trump After Dershowitz’s Appearance on Hannity: ‘Mueller Refuses to Look at the Real Crimes’

Speaking to Sean Hannity on Thursday, legal scholar Alan Dershowitz insisted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has gone beyond looking for crimes and is now looking for “political sin.”

Dershowitz’s response came after the Fox News host asked this: “I interviewed [Julian] Assange. He said he didn’t get it from Russia. No state party etc… Maybe, we know Hillary’s computer is in the bathroom closet were hacked by at least six foreign intelligence services if not more. So my question to you is, based on that…If they didn’t hack and it was given to them from sources doesn’t it mean that what they printed is legal?”

Dershowitz replied, “Absolutely.”

He added: “The president has the same authority and the president’s campaign has the same authority as The New York Times and Washington Post. They are allowed to print material that they know was stolen as long as they didn’t tell the people to steal it or give them directions how to hack. Nobody alleges that of the president’s campaign. Therefore, they have completely the right to do it.”

Then pointing fingers at Mueller, Dershowitz opined: “The problem is Mueller is straying away from his mandate to find crime and he is now looking for political sin. Building buildings in Moscow, using stolen material from Assange. These are not crimes. He has no authority to be a roving commissioner to find political sins. So far, I don’t see any evidence of crimes except for ones that he helped to facilitate by getting people to lie in front of his own investigators.”

Shortly after the Hannity segment aired. Trump tweeted about it.

“This is an illegal Hoax that should be ended immediately. Mueller refuses to look at the real crimes on the other side. Where is the IG REPORT?” Trump wrote after quoting what Dershowitz said to Hannity.

Watch above, via Fox News

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