Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorists Running With Claim Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Dead or In Hiding - All NEWS

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Friday, February 1, 2019

Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theorists Running With Claim Ruth Bader Ginsburg is Dead or In Hiding

The newest trendy conspiracy theory from the MAGA-verse is that Democrats are trying to hide the news that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead or dying of a secret illness.

The Daily Beast has a new report out that takes a deep dive into the latest rumors taking off among fans of QAnon. For those who don’t know, QAnon is the 4Chan conspiracy theory spread by Trump’s wackiest supporters who think the president is locked in a war with “deep state” pedophiles determined to bring his government to ruin.

For the last few weeks, Ginsburg has been mostly out of the public eye while she recovers from the surgery she recently had to remove cancerous growths from her lungs. She’s been out of the hospital for over a month now, and not only does her diagnosis suggest that there’s no remaining trace of the disease, but Ginsburg’s also believed to be working from her house.

Even so, “Q,” the anonymous 4Chan user(s) who claims to be a government official with high-level security clearance, is suggesting that Ginsburg’s lack of public appearances means that she’s someone’s trying to cover up the truth about her health.

From the Daily Beast:

“What ‘off-market’ drugs are being provided to [RBG] in order to sustain minimum daily function?” Q wrote. “What is the real medical diagnosis of [RBG]? Who is managing her care?

Who is ‘really’ managing her care?”

Two days later, Q celebrated Ginsburg’s health issues, highlighting an article about Ginsburg missing court.

“Good morning, Patriot,” Q wrote.

Fox News accidentally gave breath to the conspiracy theory last week when they aired an obituary graphic suggesting Ginsburg passed away. The network has apologized and said it was a control room error, but #WheresRuth and other variations of the hashtag have made the rounds on Twitter over the last few days.

Here’s a few of the Trump supporters flirting with the conspiracy theory to varying degrees:

Here’s how Gorka, a former White House aide, reacted when asked to explain himself.


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>> Follow Ken Meyer (@KenMeyer91) on Twitter

from Mediaite

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