Jake Tapper Confronts Kellyanne Conway on Trump’s Charlottesville Double-Down: ‘Who Were the Very Fine People?’ - All NEWS

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Monday, April 29, 2019

Jake Tapper Confronts Kellyanne Conway on Trump’s Charlottesville Double-Down: ‘Who Were the Very Fine People?’

Jake Tapper grilled White House counselor Kellyanne Conway over Donald Trump‘s recent claim that his response to the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville was “perfect,” asking Conway to explain “Who were the very fine people” marching with the murderer of Heather Heyer.

Trump’s remark that there were “very fine people on both sides” of the protests that culminated in murder were thrust back into the spotlight this week when former Vice President Joe Biden referenced them in his campaign launch video.

On Sunday morning’s edition of CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper, Tapper grilled Conway for a good eight minutes over the remarks, and Trump’s insistence that his response was “perfect.”

Tapper has conceded that in addition to saying there were “very fine people” among the Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville, Trump also condemned the groups by name elsewhere in his original remarks, but told Conway “I don’t know who he was talking about.”

“My question about this incident since you brought it up is who are these very fine people?” he continued. “It was called a Unite the Right rally formed by people like Richard Spencer, who is a white supremacist, Friday night was the tiki torch March, Saturday Heather higher was killed, who were the fine people?”

“He was talking about the debate over removing statues,” Conway said.

Tapper also confronted Conway on Trump’s insistence, several weeks ago, that he doesn’t see white supremacy as a growing threat. After several evasions, Conway said that Trump did, indeed, deliver a response that was “darn near perfection.”

Watch the clip above, via CNN.

from Mediaite http://bit.ly/2IMM23w

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