Lindsey Graham Accidentally Wrecks Trump While Defending Him: ‘He Doesn’t Collude With His OWN Government’ - All NEWS

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Lindsey Graham Accidentally Wrecks Trump While Defending Him: ‘He Doesn’t Collude With His OWN Government’

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has gone to some extraordinary lengths to run interference for Donald Trump, lengths which now include arguing that Trump couldn’t have colluded with Russia because “He doesn’t collude with his own government.”

On this week’s edition of Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures, host Maria Bartiromo asked Graham about being with Trump when Attorney General William Barr‘s memo summarizing Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s report was released.

“What was the president’s mood? Were you guys talking about it?” she asked.

“Well, he was very pleased that everything he’d been saying for two years proved to be right,” Graham said. “If you know President Trump, and I’ve gotten to know him pretty well, there is no way he sat down with the Russians and came up with a plan and followed it.”

Then, Graham added “He doesn’t come up with, you know, he doesn’t collude with his own government. So this whole thing was ridiculous, if you know the president, and it’s proven to be ridiculous.”

Graham’s unfortunate “defense” of Trump was vividly illustrated on a number of recent occasions, such as when Trump announced the pullback of “large scale sanctions” on North Korea, and no one in his White House could figure out what he was talking about. After inventing a cover story about sanctions that had not yet been announced, it turned out Trump was referring to sanctions against a pair of Chinese shipping companies.

Trump also did an about-face after his proposed budget cuts to the Special Olympics caused near-universal outcry, and claimed he hadn’t known about the cut, which was also in his proposed 2018 budget.

But the phenomenon stretches back through the Trump presidency, such as when his own Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats was shocked to learn, on live television, that Trump had invited Vladimir Putin to Washington, DC.

Watch Graham’s inadvertent Trump slam above, via Fox News.

from Mediaite

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