Trump Blasts Asylum Lawyers as ‘Wise Guys’ Who ‘Sign People Up’ to Blame Border Patrol ‘Every Time They Get a Cold’ - All NEWS

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Monday, April 29, 2019

Trump Blasts Asylum Lawyers as ‘Wise Guys’ Who ‘Sign People Up’ to Blame Border Patrol ‘Every Time They Get a Cold’

Fox’s Maria Bartiromo was at the border between El Paso and Juarez, Mexico on Sunday morning for a live broadcast of Sunday Morning Futures, during which she played recordings of her new phone interview with President Donald Trump on the topic of immigration and border security.

Trump told Bartiromo that immigrants are “flooding” into the United States because of a “combination of having a great economy and having the weakest immigration laws anywhere in the world, by far.”

Continuing what was essentially a monologue, Trump again said the problem is our laws. “It’s a disgrace to our country what’s going on. The worst immigration laws ever. Incompetent. They’re there for a long time.”

“When they used to separate children, which was done during the Obama administration, with Bush, with us, with everybody, far fewer people would come,” said Trump. “We go out and we stop the separation. The problem is you have ten times more people coming up with their families, it’s like Disneyland now, you know, before you’d get separated. So people would say, let’s not go up.”

“Now you don’t get separated, and, you know, while that sounds nice and all, what happens is you have literally, you have ten times more families coming up because they’re not going to be separated from their children,” he said. “It’s a disaster. You have people coming up with many children.”

In addition to lamenting the loss of family separation, Trump attacked the lawyers representing migrants at the border in court seeking asylum.

“The problem is we have to register them, we have to bring them to court. Another country just says ‘sorry you can’t come into our country’ and they walk them out,” he continued. “In our country you have to bring them to court and you have to have Perry Mason involved, it’s all legal. You have lawyers standing at the border. Our people, lawyers, wise guys, standing at the border, signing people up every time they catch a cold they try and blame Border Patrol. It’s a disgrace what’s going on and it could be solved in 15 minutes if the Democrats would give use the votes, it would be over.”

After the break, Bartiromo continued playing the interview. As it went on, Trump kept circling back to his regret that everything is legal and involves the courts.

“What we need is new laws that don’t allow this. So when somebody comes in we say, sorry you gotta go out,” he said. “We don’t need a court system. We have a court system that has 900,000 cases behind it.”

Trump argued that the booming economy means that companies need workers, and they are “doing a plan based on merit” to allow in new immigrants “so they can help us.”

“We have people coming in under these crazy laws– I mean, if they need welfare, or if they need a handout for the next fifty years, they’re almost incentivized,” he said.

“Well that’s exactly right,” said Bartiromo, finally managing to get a word in.

Trump closed by saying “The problem is with these laws, we should be able to take them right out. We can’t. We have to bring them into a court. Who ever heard of that?”

Watch the clip above, courtesy of FOX News Channel.

from Mediaite

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