Stephen Colbert Lampoons NRA with Violent Fantasy About Cat Busting Caps at Dana Loesch - All NEWS

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Stephen Colbert Lampoons NRA with Violent Fantasy About Cat Busting Caps at Dana Loesch

Stephen Colbert‘s late-night show mocked the National Rifle Association’s legal troubles with a parody ad that featured a lookalike of NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch dodging a hail of bullets fired by a feral cat.

The cold open to Tuesday night’s edition of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert began with news footage about the investigation into the NRA’s tax exempt status, then segued into the parody ad, in which the Loesch stand-in says “The liberal media wants you to believe that the NRA doesn’t deserve its nonprofit status, just because we make a profit.”

She then promotes imaginary NRA programs like “Guns on Wheels” for elderly shut-ins, and the self-explanatory “Tanks 4 Kids.”

“And, of course, our newest charity initiative, arming stray cats who live on the mean streets,” the fugazi Loesch says, holding a pistol-packing tabby.

Then, things go horribly wrong, as the cat begins shooting up the studio, to roars of laughter from Colbert’s appreciative audience.

But pet-on-human gun violence is no laughing matter. While cats shooting their owners is rare, at least a dozen people have been shot by dogs. Colbert should be careful about putting ideas into these animals’ heads, or for that matter, into the NRA’s.

Watch the clip above, via CBS.

from Mediaite

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