Trump Says He Was Going Easy on Biden by Endorsing Kim Jong Un Insults: ‘I Was Sticking Up’ For Him - All NEWS

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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Trump Says He Was Going Easy on Biden by Endorsing Kim Jong Un Insults: ‘I Was Sticking Up’ For Him

President Donald Trump defended his endorsement of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s comments calling former Vice President Joe Biden a “low IQ” by saying he was actually attacking the DPRK leader in a tweet today.

“I was actually sticking up for Sleepy Joe Biden while on foreign soil. Kim Jong Un called him a ‘low IQ idiot,’ and many other things,” the president wrote on Twitter. “Whereas I related the quote of Chairman Kim as a much softer ‘low IQ individual.’ Who could possibly be upset with that?

Last week, a DPRK state-run news outlet ran a take-down of Biden, who is currently polling as the top Democratic presidential candidate, calling him “a fool of low IQ.” Trump then took to Twitter to say he agreed with the Kim regime insults against Biden.

“North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse,” Trump tweeted over the Memorial Day weekend.

During a presser in Japan, Trump doubled down on the sentiment: “Kim Jong Un made a statement that Joe Biden is a low-IQ individual. He probably is, based on his record. I think I agree with him on that.”

Biden’s team fired back with a statement condemning the president as traitorous in his comments on foreign soil.

“To be on foreign soil, on Memorial Day, and to side repeatedly with a murderous dictator against a fellow American and former Vice President speaks for itself,” Biden’s deputy campaign manager Kate Bedingfield stated today.

from Mediaite

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