Doug Collins Accuses Dems of ‘Three-Year Vendetta’ Against Trump: They Just Want ’30-Second Commercial Saying We Impeached’ - All NEWS

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Doug Collins Accuses Dems of ‘Three-Year Vendetta’ Against Trump: They Just Want ’30-Second Commercial Saying We Impeached’

House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Doug Collins blasted the impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, attacking the process as the culmination of a “three-year vendetta” by the Democratic Party, claiming they only want a “30-second commercial saying ‘we impeached him.'”

Collins’ opening statement came on Wednesday evening as the House Judiciary Committee began to debate and vote on the two articles of impeachment House Democrats have drawn up. Among the president’s most strident defenders, Collins attacked the claim of “abuse of power” and instead tried to turn those allegations back on the Democrats.

“The only abuse of power here is the majority racing the fastest they ever have, the clock and the calendar determining what impeachment looks like,” Collins said. “That’s the abuse of power, as Professor [Jonathan] Turley said, but before I finish, I cannot stop without this. The real legacy of this impeachment hearing will not be the removal of Donald Trump as president. In fact, if anything, they see the majority for what they are: on a three-year vendetta to get someone that they couldn’t beat and they’re desperate to do it before he beats them again this year.”

“So tonight we’ve experienced, we’re in December after a year of trashing this institution, a year of trying to trash this administration and this president we come up with abuse of power and can’t define it?” Collins went on. “We come up with obstruction of Congress after 72 days? I know they’re desperate. You know how I know it? Adam Schiff’s own words yesterday: ‘We can’t go to court. That would take too long. An election is coming.’ Let me finish the last part of that sentence, since he likes to put words into President Trump’s mouth when he faked the call transcript. No, Adam, what you need to continue to say is: ‘We can’t beat him next year. The only thing we need is a 30-second commercial saying we impeached him.’ That’s the wrong reason to impeach somebody and the American people are seeing through this, but at the end of the day my heartbreaks for a committee that has trashed this institution and this is where we are now.”

Watch the video above, via CNN.

from Mediaite

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