Terry McAuliffe Endorses Biden After SC Win, Says Other Candidates With No Path to Victory Should Drop Out ‘Tomorrow’ - All NEWS

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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Terry McAuliffe Endorses Biden After SC Win, Says Other Candidates With No Path to Victory Should Drop Out ‘Tomorrow’

Former Virginia Governor and former DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe endorsed Joe Biden live on CNN minutes after Biden’s decisive South Carolina primary victory.

There had been some reporting McAuliffe would officially endorse Biden if he pulled off the big win tonight.

McAuliffe told Anderson Cooper Biden has the best chance of not just beating Donald Trump, but with helping out downballot races.

Cooper asked how tonight changes the race and McAullife straight-up said, “I’m hoping, tomorrow actually, some of the candidates decide to get out. If you do have a pathway, let’s not wait ’til Super Tuesday.”

He hedged when pressed for who he’s specifically talking to, but he said “Pete and Amy and Tom Steyer and others” need to make the decision for themselves.

Cooper asked about Mike Bloomberg and McAullife said he’ll need to really think things over too.

You can watch above, via CNN.

from Mediaite https://ift.tt/32HOcsm

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