Trump to Allow Scheduled Release of Classified JFK Assassination Documents - All NEWS

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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Trump to Allow Scheduled Release of Classified JFK Assassination Documents

Among President Donald Trump’s various tweets this morning, he tossed out one that stated that he will be allowing the release of the “long blocked and classified JFK FILES.”

So, what is the president referring to here? Back in 1992, the Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act required that the millions of pages of then-classified documents related to the John F. Kennedy assassination be released by October 26th, 2017. Over the years, most of those pages have been released, but there are still some that remain unseen. Those will now be released barring any action taken by the president before then, and it now appears Trump will not do anything to block them.

Of course, Trump is no stranger to the JFK assassination and conspiracies. During the GOP presidential primary last year, he hinted that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father may have played a role in the killing of JFK, pushing a claim that Raphael Cruz was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald.

Also, Trump’s tweet this morning comes after longtime Trump associate Roger Stone tweeted out yesterday urging the president to release the documents.

After the president made his announcement this morning, Stone took credit for convincing Trump to allow the scheduled release:

[image via screengrab]

Follow Justin Baragona on Twitter: @justinbaragona

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