Hannity on Trump SOTU: ‘This is The Speech That Conservatives Have Wanted to Hear Since Reagan’ - All NEWS

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hannity on Trump SOTU: ‘This is The Speech That Conservatives Have Wanted to Hear Since Reagan’

On Tuesday night, Sean Hannity praised President Trump‘s first State of the Union Address.

The Fox News host began his opening monologue by calling Trump’s speech “powerful” and “historic.” He highlighted the portions that focused on the economy and respect the National Anthem. One of Hannity’s favorite lines was when Trump said “the era of economic surrender is over.”

Hannity went on to say that the president was successfully able to “push aside the biased filter of the mainstream media” during his speech and spoke “directly” to the American people.

“You think this is a moment where people would celebrate; not about the media, not about the Democrats sitting on their hands often looking like fools, not about the hatred of the president, not about liberal conspiracy theories or obstruction,” Hannity continued. “It has really become a battle for the vision of America that you want. This to me is a fork-in-the-road moment.”

He then accused the media of “ignoring” Trump’s “numerous accomplishments” in his first year in office. He prepared a lengthly list of accomplishments that scrolled on the side of the screen, calling it an “epic first year” for the Trump administration.

“The media who worship President Obama, defended his terrible failed policies for eight years––they’re not willing to give this president a break or credit for anything and they have been so abusively biased, something we’ve never seen in American history,” Hannity said. “The media seemingly wants the president to fail. They’re actively rooting for it, which is why speeches like tonight help the president explain his vision for this country without the spin, without the smears from the liberal media.”

He was then joined by Donald Trump Jr. And before getting his reaction to his father’s speech, Hannity compared him to Ronald Reagan.

“This is the speech that conservatives have wanted to hear since Reagan,” Hannity told Don Jr. “More people independently telling me that than any other comment I’ve gotten tonight.”

Watch the clip above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]

from Mediaite http://ift.tt/2EpqIMk

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