Rep. Kennedy Mocked For Delivering SOTU Rebuttal After Applying Vat of Chapstick to Face - All NEWS

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Rep. Kennedy Mocked For Delivering SOTU Rebuttal After Applying Vat of Chapstick to Face

Rep. Joe Kennedy III delivered the Democratic rebuttal to President Donald Trump’s State of the Union, and like some of his famous predecessors, delivered an impressive speech while somehow also managing to botch the visuals.

Not only did Kennedy give his rebuttal as a wrecked car sat behind him — a curious choice, given his great-uncle’s infamous “Chappaquiddick incident” — but it also appeared that Joe applied a vat of vaseline to his lips before taking the stage.

The extent of his moisturizing was hard to ignore, even as he delivered an impassioned rebuttal of Trump’s SOTU and stood up for American values. And Twitter reacted like the collective of soulless bastards it is — with copious amounts of mockery.


Kennedy even acknowledged the incident, responding to this tweet:

BONUS: Twitter is horribly depraved, so it also pointed out that time Ted Kennedy killed a woman after driving his car off a bridge and into a channel:

[image via screengrab]

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