PolitiFact’s Website Crashes During Trump’s Lie-Filled State of the Union Address - All NEWS

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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

PolitiFact’s Website Crashes During Trump’s Lie-Filled State of the Union Address

As Americans scrambled to decipher President Donald Trump’s 2018 State of the Union address — which was riddled with lies and half truths — the fact checking service PoltiFact actually had its website crash due to an overflow of traffic.

“Welp … our website just crashed. Thanks for reading ?!!? We’ll keep things up here on Twitter while we see what happened,” tweeted the organization in the middle of Trump’s first SOTU.

Prior to their site crashing, PolitiFact — which judges claims on their Truth-O-Meter as “true,” “mostly true,” “half true,” “mostly false,” “false,” and “pants on fire” — had rated a number of the president’s statements as being fully or partially correct. By the end of the night, the group rated 13 of Trump’s claims during his address to Congress as “half true,” “mostly false,” “false,” and “pants on fire.”

As for Trump’s most egregious claims in his SOTU, PolitiFact rated his statement that the visa lottery “hands out green cards without any regard for skill, merit, or the safety of our people” as “pants on fire” false. Additionally, the president’s assertion that “ISIS leader, al-Baghdadi” was released by the US was also rated “false,” as he was actually given Iraqi forces in a contract, according to PolitiFact.

[image via screengrab]

Follow the author on Twitter (@calebecarma).

from Mediaite http://ift.tt/2DOPKTX

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