Jesse Watters: Sheriff Israel Seems ‘More Concerned With Bashing the NRA’ Than School Safety - All NEWS

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Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jesse Watters: Sheriff Israel Seems ‘More Concerned With Bashing the NRA’ Than School Safety

Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel is under tremendous scrutiny right now over the law enforcement response to the Parkland school shooting, and Fox News’ The Five tore into him at length today.

Spinning a phrase Israel said yesterday, Greg Gutfeld said, “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, this jackass would be out on his butt.”

He also said Israel was grandstanding at the CNN town hall last week, particularly “knowing what he knew then.”

Kimberly Guilfoyle agreed that Israel is playing to the crowd, while Jesse Watters laughed at the idea of Israel talking about his own leadership:

“It’s like if Hillary after Benghazi had praised her amazing leadership. It doesn’t make sense to me, he’s a political animal and he acts like a politician ’cause he doesn’t accept responsibility… Now he’s running a PR campaign. He’s going on CNN and blaming the NRA and not accepting responsibility… It almost seems like he’s more concerned with bashing the NRA than solving the school safety issue.”

Juan Williams said Sheriff Israel resigning is not a “practical solution” and doesn’t address the issue of preventing future school shootings.

Watch above, via Fox News.

[image via screengrab]

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