Trump at Rally: ‘Polls Are Fake Just Like Everything Else’ - All NEWS

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Trump at Rally: ‘Polls Are Fake Just Like Everything Else’

President Donald Trump stood before an adoring crowd of supporters at a rally in Florida Tuesday night and told them that “just like everything else,” “polls are fake.”

In an extensive and mostly nonsensical riff about his approval ratings, Trump told the crowd, “I guarantee you one thing. I have your vote. I guarantee you.”

“Of course if the Fake News did a poll — they’re called suppression polls,” he said. “Polls are fake just like everything else.”

He continued:

“If the fake news did a poll, it would show that I’m only getting 25% with the 401(k) people even though they’re up 44%. No, we got — we’re doing well. We’re doing well. And I’m happy you’re doing well. They just came out with a poll, did you hear? The most popular person in the history of the Republican Party is Trump. Can you believe this? So I said, does that include honest Abe Lincoln?”

Trump didn’t finish his thought on Lincoln, but he’s made this claim before, and it’s completely false. He is by no means the most popular president in the history of the Republican Party, and when Lincoln was president scientific polls did not exist.

Trump continued with a riff he often wheels out at rallies, pretending to be “presidential” before declaring that doing so would be “easier” than what he does.

Watch above, via Fox Business.

[image via screengrab]

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