Ed Henry Blasts ‘Deranged’ Brennan Over Kavanaugh Tweet: ‘Spare Me’ Lecture On ‘Who’s Partisan’ - All NEWS

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Monday, October 1, 2018

Ed Henry Blasts ‘Deranged’ Brennan Over Kavanaugh Tweet: ‘Spare Me’ Lecture On ‘Who’s Partisan’

On Fox and Friends on Sunday, Fox News’ Chief National Correspondent Ed Henry blasted former CIA Director John Brennan for his tweet on Saturday attacking Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and prominent defender Sen. Lindsey Graham, and praising Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake, who forced the 1-week delay to investigate Dr. Christine Blasey Ford‘s allegations.

“Hang on a second, John Brennan is saying that someone is partisan?” he said with incredulity. Henry said that the job of CIA Director is normally “relatively nonpartisan, but that Brennan was the opposite.

“This guy’s come out of the job and has been, not just an Obama partisan, he has been deranged almost in his attacks on President Trump. Won’t even call him president Trump, says ‘I’ll call him Mr. Trump, I will not give him respect’,” said Henry. “So spare me if we’re going to get a lecture from John Brennan about who’s partisan.”

Henry also suggested Brennan and other Democrats are hypocrites for calling Graham a partisan or “craven.”

“By the way, the second part of the tweet where he gets into, Lindsay Graham is craven? Didn’t John Brennan and everyone else in the Obama administration love him when he was riding shotgun with the late senator John McCain? And whenever Graham and McCain took on President Trump in conscience, on principle, they cheered it on,” he said. “Now all of a sudden Lindsey Graham supports a Trump nominee, and he’s the worst person in the world, and Bill Maher and everyone else, they’re all phony.”

Watch the clip above, courtesy of Fox News.

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