Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show - All NEWS

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Monday, October 1, 2018

Jeff Greenfield Calls Out CNN’s Endless Anti-Trump Panels on Brian Stelter’s Show

Political analyst Jeff Greenfield didn’t mince words with CNN’s Brian Stelter when calling out the network’s political coverage, which he felt embraced punditry rather than hard-nosed reporting.

“I’m skeptical about almost everything I’ve heard,” Greenfield told Stelter during a Sunday interview. The topic at hand had been the potential scope of an FBI probe into Judge Brett Kavanaugh over sexual assault allegations plaguing the SCOTUS nominee, but things soon turned to matters of journalistic ethics.

“I don’t think it’s surprising, at least in my view, a fair percentage of the press in one way or another thinks of itself as a kind of resistance,” he said, referencing opposition to President Donald Trump‘s administration. “We have to speak truth…we have to correct his statement about what we do.”

Though Greenfield, a veteran journalist himself, acknowledged the media’s role as the fourth estate, he didn’t spare any criticism of CNN.

“I have to say this quite bluntly to a CNN anchor,” he told Stelter. “When I look at CNN, hour after hour after hour I see panels rather than reporting, exchanging opinions, the overwhelming majority of which on this network I regard as quite critical or hostile to Trump.”

Greenfield also added that the press’ position “may be justified” and reporters may have rightfully decided “that they deserve this kind of pushback.” However, he explained the media divide has been exacerbated by increasing polarization.

On the matter of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, Greenfield suggested Stelter’s network had already sided with the judge’s opponents and that “most of its people have taken a stand about this president and about this nomination.”

Watch the clip above via CNN.

[Image via screengrab]

from Mediaite

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