Lindsey Graham Tells Hannity: NBC Has ‘Been a Co-Conspirator in the Destruction of Kavanaugh’ - All NEWS

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lindsey Graham Tells Hannity: NBC Has ‘Been a Co-Conspirator in the Destruction of Kavanaugh’

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), on Monday, ripped NBC for its coverage of the sexual misconduct claims against Brett Kavanaugh.

Appearing on Hannity for the third time in the past six weeknights — a frequency fast approaching Sara Carter and Gregg Jarrett territory — the South Carolina Senator railed against NBC after host Sean Hannity invoked Kavanaugh accuser Julie Swetnick‘s interview Monday night on MSNBC.

“Why does NBC run this?!” Hannity said.

“NBC, here’s the biggest offense to me, they’ve been a co-conspirator in the destruction of Kavanaugh, from my point of view,” Graham replied.

The Senator referenced a Sept. 26 piece run on the network’s website in which NBC News reported the existence of an unnamed fourth Kavanaugh accuser. The accuser sent an anonymous complaint to Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO), and according to NBC, the Senate Judiciary Committee looked into the claim.

Graham accused the network of running the piece solely because Kavanaugh was nominated to the Court by a Republican.

“Do you think NBC would have done that if this had been a Democratic male nominee?” Graham said.

“What if it was Tom Brokaw?” Hannity said.

“All I can say is that their journalistic integrity has been destroyed over this case.”

Watch above, via Fox News.

[featured image via screengrab]

from Mediaite

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