Michael Avenatti: Kavanaugh Spiked Punch ‘With Grain Alcohol and Qualuudes’ According to New Unnamed Witness - All NEWS

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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Michael Avenatti: Kavanaugh Spiked Punch ‘With Grain Alcohol and Qualuudes’ According to New Unnamed Witness

Michael Avenatti appeared CNN on Monday night and defended the credibility of his new client, Julie Swetnick, while laying a number of serious charges at Brett Kavanaugh‘s feet.

Host Chris Cuomo brought up Swetnick’s interview earlier today on MSNBC, in which — as noted by NBC’s Kate Snow, who interviewed Swetnick — she contradicted and retreated from several of the claims she made about Kavanaugh’s alleged involvement in gang rapes.

When asked to explain this, Avenatti said Swetnick was citing a friend of hers who corroborated her previous account. The lawyer claimed that he recently spoke to someone (who he refused to name) who told him “Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh would spike the punch with grain alcohol and quaaludes.”

From the transcript:

Cuomo: “She knows it because she’s seen it or she’s heard it?” Cuomo asked.

Avenatti: “She knows it because she saw it. It’s about the fifth conversation I’ve had with her in the last two weeks…”

Cuomo: “Will she come forward to the FBI?”

Avenatti: “One hundred percent.”

Cuomo: “So she’s nameless for us, but she would give her name…”

Avenatti: “Yes, because she doesn’t want to be outed publicly. She is prepared to speak to the FBI.”

Avenatti continued by claiming there were “other witnesses” prepared to speak out while also railing against the “farce of an investigation” the FBI is currently conducting on Kavanaugh. He also claimed that Swetnick filed a police report about what she knew about Kavanaugh at the time, which prompted Cuomo to ask him why nothing came of it after it supposedly happened.

“I don’t know,” Avenatti admitted. “I have no idea. I have the same question.”

The two continued to spar about whether Swetnick’s claims are credible if the only people she told about her claims are all deceased and therefore unable to testify.

Watch above, via CNN.

[Image via screengrab]

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