CNN Panel Gets Heated Over Kamala Harris Comments on ICE and the KKK: ‘Did You Just Call Me an Apologist?’ - All NEWS

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

CNN Panel Gets Heated Over Kamala Harris Comments on ICE and the KKK: ‘Did You Just Call Me an Apologist?’

On Friday, a CNN discussion on Sen. Kamala Harris‘ controversial parallel quickly got heated when panelist Niger Innis insisted the senator was “spitting on the graves of thousands of African Americans” with her remarks.

During a hearing on Thursday, the senator engaged in a line of questioning aimed at acting ICE Director Ronald Vitiello that implied a parallel between the actions of the KKK and ICE.

According to Innis, Spokesperson for the Congress of Racial Equality and conservative commentator,  it was a step too far.

“What it is is a perversion of history,” Harris said. “It is Senator Kamala Harris spitting on the graves of thousands of African Americans that were terrorized by the most powerful political domestic terrorist organization in the history of our country.”

Host Chris Cuomo then asked him how so.

“By comparing what ICE is doing in upholding the Constitution of the United States and the laws of our land and trying to pursue those who are breaking those laws versus the Klan that was actually trying to burn the Constitution, erode the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment of the Constitution written for black Americans so that they could be considered full citizens,” Innis further opined. “The Klan as an organized arm of the Democratic Party…”

“All right, all right… now this is a bridge too far,” fellow panelist Symone Sanders interrupted.

Innis, though, was not done yet.

A little while later,  after repeating his spitting on the grave remark and this time calling Harris’ words “disgusting,” her called on her to apologize.

“Look, Senator Harris is not apologizing for anything,” Sanders shot back.

“Because she has apologists like you, Symone, defending her,” Innis said.

Sanders then asked, “Did you just call me an apologist?”

“I sure did,” Innis replied.

Sanders then told Innis he needed a history lesson.

“Oh, please, give it to me, Symone, I want it,” Innis replied as the debate raged on.

Watch above, via CNN.

[image via screengrab]

from Mediaite

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