Trump on California Wildfires: Climate Change May Contribute a ‘Bit,’ But Forest Management Is ‘Big Problem’ - All NEWS

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Trump on California Wildfires: Climate Change May Contribute a ‘Bit,’ But Forest Management Is ‘Big Problem’

During an interview with CNN’s Chris Wallace that will air in full on Sunday, President Donald Trump talked about his planned trip to the area of the California wildfires and how he still thinks forest management is mainly to blame.

Asked the purpose of his trip, Trump said that he was going to see the firefighters.

“Just to see the firefighters,” Trump said. “Nobody has ever seen what is going on over there. And now they’re saying there could be as many as 600. This just came out before we met. Could be as many as 600 people killed. Up by 400. It’s incredible what’s going on. And burned beyond recognition. They can’t even see the bodies. It’s incredible. I was watching the firemen the other day. And they were raking areas where the fire was… They’re raking trees  — not trees, little bushes that you could see are totally dry. Weeds. And they’re raking them. They’re on fire.”

Wallace then asked him if he thought climate change was contributing to the fires.

“Maybe it contributes a little bit, the big problem we have is management,” Trump opined.

He then added: “When I was in a certain state, I won’t say which, the governor said, you know, we’ve tested it. We clean out areas and we actually set the fire just to see. We lose almost nothing. We can put it out right away. And then we leave areas unmaintained, he said we’ll lose 100,000 acres before you even know it. You need forest management. It has to be. I’m not saying that in a negative way. I’m saying the facts. And I’ve really learned a lot.”

Trump’s comments echo his tweet from Nov. 10 where he also blamed forest management and threatened to yank federal funds.

Both weather experts and fire experts — including the head of California’s largest firefighters association — have blasted Trump for insisting the fires were due to forest management.

Watch above, via Fox News

from Mediaite

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