Anderson Cooper: WH Still Lying About Family Separation, The Cruelty ‘Not a Bug of the System, It’s a Feature’ - All NEWS

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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Anderson Cooper: WH Still Lying About Family Separation, The Cruelty ‘Not a Bug of the System, It’s a Feature’

CNN’s Anderson Cooper called the Trump administration’s family separation policy a “deterrent policy” where cruelty was not a bug, but a feature purposely built in.

“The bottom line, this is something administration officials discussed and Secretary [Kirstjen] Nielsen implemented, defended and lied about,” Cooper said. “It is a real policy that the president clearly wanted. And we’re learning tonight he now wants to reinstate and expand apparently. Even today the White House can’t seem to stop lying about it.”

He then aired a clip of White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley insisting Trump thinks child separation is a “horrible practice,” and putting the impetus on Congress to change it.

“In fact, as you’re about to hear from our Jake Tapper‘s reporting, the president, whether he likes it or not, has explicitly embraced the notion of family separation,” Cooper said after the clip ended.

He then said this: “The cruelty is not a bug of the system, it’s a feature, which may have been a bridge too far for Secretary Nielsen, but even if it was it comes at the end of a very, very long road which she has been traveling for a very, very long time.”

Watch above, via CNN.

from Mediaite

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