CNN Breaks Down How Many Trips to Trump’s ‘Gilded Pleasure Palace’ Mar-a-Lago Would Pay for Budget Cuts - All NEWS

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Monday, April 1, 2019

CNN Breaks Down How Many Trips to Trump’s ‘Gilded Pleasure Palace’ Mar-a-Lago Would Pay for Budget Cuts

During a special report on Sunday, CNN asked how many trips to Mar-a-Lago would fund proposed budget cuts.

CNN’s John Avlon started off by noting Trump is at Mar-a-Lago this very weekend.

“So President Trump is waking up at Mar-a-Lago this morning after pulling a slick 70s style J turn when it comes to money for the Special Olympics, ” Avlon began.

Then after noting Special Olympics may have survived, programs for kids with hearing impairments and special needs may not be as lucky.

“[United States Secretary of Education Betsy] DeVos says the department had to make some, quote, difficult decisions with its budget and that’s no doubt true,” Avlon added. “But let’s put those choices in context. We’re going to do it by minting a brand new currency. The Mar-a-Lago.”

He then said this: “Just what is a Mar-a-Lago you ask? It’s the cost of just one of Donald Trump’s tricks to his gilded pleasure palace in Florida which according to the Washington Post cost taxpayers about $3.4 million each time.”

He then crunched the numbers.

“The president goes there a lot. Some 51 nights over 19 trips. That translates to 69 million taxpayer dollars just to get the president to and from Florida, “Avlon continued on. “Consider the Education Department contributes about $17.6 million to the Special Olympics overall budget. That’s only about five Mar-a-Lagos. That’s not all. Health and Human services budget cuts program for those with autism. This one is about three times as deep. A whopping $51 million. For those playing at home, that’s about 15 Mar-a-Lago.”

Watch above, via CNN




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