Trump Supporter Battles CNN’s Cuomo: ‘There is No Difference’ Between Antifa and Neo-Nazis - All NEWS

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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Trump Supporter Battles CNN’s Cuomo: ‘There is No Difference’ Between Antifa and Neo-Nazis

CNN’s Chris Cuomo battled Trump surrogate Steve Cortes Monday night over President Donald Trump’s infamous Charlottesville comments.

Cortes, one of the president’s supporters who recently decided criticism of Trump’s “both sides” comments is a “hoax,” clashed with the CNN host after equating the two sides of the deadly Charlottesville protests.

Cuomo scolded Cortes for making a “moral equivalency” between the white supremacists who assembled in Charlottesville and and the counter-protestors who met them — which included Heather Heyer, who was murdered by a neo-Nazi.

“You make a moral equivalency between those two actions, you’re making a mistake in America,” Cuomo said. “The president did it that day. And you know it was a mistake. I don’t know why you don’t know that.”

“I do not make any differentiation between neo-Nazis and Antifa,” Cortes insisted. “Just because they claim in their name that they are anti-fascist, their tactics are in fact totally fascist.”

“They are thugs,” he continued. “They are America’s brown shirts. And there is no difference between Antifa and those neo-Nazis. Both sides are thugs, and both sides are reprehensible.”

Cortes added there were “very good people” at the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

Watch above, via CNN.

from Mediaite

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