Fox’s Cavuto Grills RNC Chief Over Healthcare: ‘You Don’t Have a Plan’ - All NEWS

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Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Fox’s Cavuto Grills RNC Chief Over Healthcare: ‘You Don’t Have a Plan’

When Fox’s Neil Cavuto interviewed the RNC’s Ronna McDaniel on Tuesday, you may not have expected it to end with a long and awkward pause. But that’s exactly what happened after the financial host grilled the GOP honcho over the party’s healthcare plans…or lack thereof.

The back-and-forth began with the flat question from Cavuto: “Do Republicans have a healthcare plan yet?”

“Republicans are putting forth a healthcare plan, the President has talked about it–” began McDaniel.

“When is that going to happen?” Cavuto interrupted.

“I’m not a policy maker,” she replied. “But I will say this. We want to make sure the doctor-patient relationship is restored. We do not want bureaucrats in Washington making medical decisions for families across this country.”

“No, Ronna, I understand,” Cavuto said. “Those are meritorious goals, but if you’re going to criticize your predecessor and say that his plan sucked or whatever he’s saying, and you don’t have a plan to substitute–”

“Well we put a plan on the floor,” said McDaniel over Cavuto. “First of all we put plans out.”

“But you don’t have a plan to substitute it,” said Cavuto as the cross-talk continued.

They exchanged points for a bit before Cavuto brought in deficit talk as well.

Cavuto asked, “Are you saying that we’re going to have a healthcare plan out like really, really soon?”

“I’m not crafting the plan,” she replied, and then described how the GOP is contrasting what they want with what Democrats are campaigning with.

“On deficits, the President keeps mentioning them, you know President Obama kept building up debt and all the like,” Cavuto said. “He is running it up at a faster pace. I’m not saying he exclusively, obviously. But does he feel bad about that or that he’s not been able to — that is Republicans, when they had the run of the table, have not been able to deal with that? Because Republicans are attacking Democrats for being spendthrifts when in fact, at the rate we’re going, this president is going to top that.”

“Well let’s remember, the Democrats control the House. And we never had a full majority in the Senate, 60 votes, to pass budgets. So we had to work with Democrats. And that’s the way that this government has functioned,” McDaniel said. “But absolutely the president is fiscally conscious, and he’s recognized that we need to grow this economy if we’re going to pay off our debt.”

Cavuto said that Trump had been furious about a trillion dollar budget sent to him but then signed off on it, and McDaniel said that was because Trump “recognized we have to pay for our defense and we have other things that have to get done.” Meaning that it was a choice between not funding things or spending the trillion, for which she blamed Democrats. She said that the only way to be fiscally responsible is for Democrats to be responsible as well.

“What about Republicans?” Cavuto asked.

“I think we all need to recognize we have a deficit and a debt problem, but as long as we’re working with Democrats–” McDaniel began.

“I haven’t seen a one who does, I haven’t seen one that give a rat’s you-know-what about it,” Cavuto replied.

McDaniel said that growing the economy has been part of taking care of the debt and deficit problems, and then Cavuto went for the kill.

“Alright, because I just see trillion dollar deficits for years to come, but maybe you’re looking at different numbers, right?”

McDaniel responded by not saying anything as she smiled into the camera for a few awkward seconds and Cavuto looked back.

“Okay, Ronna, thank you very, very much,” he said.

Watch the clip above, via Fox News Channel.

[image via screengrab]

from Mediaite

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