CNN Analyst Calls Out GOP Conduct at Hearing: Didn’t Even Defend Trump, Just Played ‘Game of Distraction and… Disinformation’ - All NEWS

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Monday, December 9, 2019

CNN Analyst Calls Out GOP Conduct at Hearing: Didn’t Even Defend Trump, Just Played ‘Game of Distraction and… Disinformation’

CNN legal analyst Susan Hennessey called out the Republicans for their antics during the Judiciary Committee’s impeachment hearing, where GOP Congressman repeatedly interrupted and attempted to cast doubt on verified documents and sworn Congressional testimony.

The latest impeachment hearing on Monday frequently devolved into a circus, as the minority party repeated cast their strategy on attacking the process and complaining about witnesses that hadn’t testified.

For example, House Judiciary Ranking Member Doug Collins attempted to sidetrack the hearing at one point by railing against former Vice President Joe Biden as a “terrible candidate.” Likewise, Florida Republican Congressman and habitual Trump defender Matt Gaetz erupted at the Democratic counsel because he was not House Intel Chair Adam Schiff. And the hearing turned farcical when the Republican counsel refused to agree that Biden, the current 2020 Democratic primary frontrunner, was not President Donald Trump’s political rival.

These tactics, Hennessey claimed, were at attempt to turn the hearing into a contentious, partisan debate about established facts in order to create “hearing fatigue.”

“Let me say what the Democrats accomplished today, what the Republicans accomplished today,” Hennessey explained. “I do think one thing we saw today was Democrats presenting a case, a coherent case, of what they believe happened. On the other hand, we saw Republicans talking about process of arguments and Adam Schiff not there to testify, talking about the whistleblower. What we didn’t hear much of was even a substantive defense of the president’s conduct. We saw the minority counsel, Steve Castor, sort of begin in his opening statement, not great facts to work with, and did the best job anybody could to presenting a defense. When it came to the members’ questioning, it fell apart. They didn’t even try to suggest the president hadn’t done something wrong. Instead, it was a game of distraction and, frankly, disinformation and telling people, don’t look here, look over there.”

Watch the video above, via CNN.

from Mediaite

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