Clyburn Says Biden 2020 Needs ‘Retooling’: I Won’t ‘Sit Idly by and Watch People Mishandle This Campaign’ - All NEWS

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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Clyburn Says Biden 2020 Needs ‘Retooling’: I Won’t ‘Sit Idly by and Watch People Mishandle This Campaign’

Congressman James Clyburn gave Joe Biden his much-coveted endorsement ahead of Saturday’s South Carolina primary, and on CNN earlier he hinted at campaign “retooling” that needs to take place.

Clyburn expressed hope that Biden scores a big enough win tonight that it gives him a surge into Super Tuesday, saying South Carolina could potentially reset the status quo of the Democratic primary.

Anchor Ana Cabrera noted concerns about Biden’s campaign going forward, including how much he’s been outspent and a recent report about his campaign seriously lagging in key Super Tuesday states.

Clyburn said this in response:

“I think he will have to do better, no question about that. I have those same concerns. Hhe has to fundraise. It is a tough thing to do. I remember when I first got into this business, I hated to fundraise. I kind of enjoy it a little bit now. I don’t know that anybody really enjoys fundraising. And also, Joe Biden is such a good guy, he hates to say no to his good friends. If we are successful tonight in this campaign, if he has the relaunch, I think we will have to sit down and get serious about how we retool this campaign, how we retool the fundraising, how we do the GOTV, and at that point in time many of us around the country will be able to join with him and help him get it right. We need to do some retooling in the campaign, no question about that. I did not feel free to speak out about it or even deal with it inside, because I had not committed to his candidacy. I have now. I’m all in. And I’m not going to sit idly by and watch people mishandle this campaign. We are going to get it right.”

You can watch above, via CNN.

from Mediaite

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