Dem Rep. Jim Himes Calls Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro ‘Mouth Breathers’ on MSNBC - All NEWS

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Friday, January 26, 2018

Dem Rep. Jim Himes Calls Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro ‘Mouth Breathers’ on MSNBC

Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) appeared on MSNBC this evening for an interview with Chris Matthews to discuss the Devin Nunes memo and the GOP’s continued assault on the integrity of the FBI.

That’s when, out of the blue, the House member referred to two Fox News personalities as, and we quote, “mouth breathers.”

The insult was directed toward Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine Pirro and was lobbed as the pair discussed the network’s alleged tendency to defend President Donald Trump on all matters, especially in light of that “secret society” conspiracy theory.

“It’s astonishing Chris, I tell you, when kind of mouth breathers like Hannity and Pirro, you know, throw this stuff up on television, it doesn’t surprise me,” he said.

He called out Senator Ron Johnson for “perpetuating this idea, as Senator Johnson said, that there is corruption at the top of the FBI based on a memo, I tell you, having read it, you’d hope that whoever wrote that was a couple of whiskeys into the bag.”

Himes went on to suggest that these lawmakers had “traded their integrity and their historical legacy for a momentary sugar high of supporting a president who would not support them in any instance whatsoever.”

Matthews ended the segment by suggesting that Fox News continually questions the intentions of the FBI as an attempt to prematurely set up a narrative whereupon Trump can be absolved by the GOP upon completion of the Russia investigation, no matter what evidence Special Counsel Robert Mueller uncovers.

“They won’t do nothing,” Matthews said.

Watch above, via MSNBC.

[image via screenshot]

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