TV Anchor Goes OFF After Guest Calls Her ‘Baby’ On Air: ‘Who The Hell Are You?!’ - All NEWS

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Saturday, January 27, 2018

TV Anchor Goes OFF After Guest Calls Her ‘Baby’ On Air: ‘Who The Hell Are You?!’

A Indian television anchor absolutely went OFF after a controversial political figure called her “baby” on the air — leading to an intense confrontation between the two.

Suraj Pal Amu — the general secretary of a group called Karni Sena, which has been involved in violent protests — appeared on television with anchor Sanjana Chowhan when he spouted out “listen to me baby, listen to me.”

Karni Sena has staged a number of violent protests over a movie called Padmaavat, claiming that the film distorts history and belittles a 14th century queen. The group’s most recent violent outburst found them attacking a school bus — they’ve denied involvement — which is the basis of the above segment.

Chowhan wasted no time in tearing Amu apart.

“You will not call me baby. Do I make myself clear?” She said. “Don’t call me baby. Do you understand? Do you understand?”

The interview continued to be an amazing spectacle, with Chowhan further dressing down the group leader.

“This is no way to speak to a woman,” she repeated. “You call me baby? Who the hell are you?”

The anchor demanded an apology but — at least in this video — it never came.

Watch above, via Twitter (h/t Shiv Aroor and Kevin Cirilli of Bloomberg)

[image via screenshot]

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