WATCH: CNN Guest Gets the Hook in Crazy Segment After Exclaiming ‘Why Are You Subjecting Me To This?!’ - All NEWS

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Saturday, January 27, 2018

WATCH: CNN Guest Gets the Hook in Crazy Segment After Exclaiming ‘Why Are You Subjecting Me To This?!’

A CNN guest during a panel discussion today seemed awfully annoyed with being there. And eventually, after she expressed her displeasure, the producers decided to just dump her in mid-segment.

Sharing a panel with former Office of Government Ethics chief Walter Shaub and one-time Robert Mueller special assistant Michael Zeldin, attorney Elizabeth Beck was presumably there to discuss whether a case of obstruction of justice against President Donald Trump had grown stronger in the aftermath of news that Trump tried to fire Mueller. However, right off the bat, Beck appeared visibly confused and irritated.

A couple of minutes into the group conversation, Beck finally chimed in.

“Why are you subjecting me to this?!” the attorney exclaimed.

Shaub stopped speaking for a second, stating he had just heard a voice in his ear — not realizing it was Beck. Meanwhile, anchor Brooke Baldwin said she’d heard the voice too and asked Beck if it was her.

And then, after Baldwin told Shaub to continue with his point, Beck’s box disappeared from the screen. The lawyer would not appear again in the discussion — as Baldwin just focused on Zeldin and Shaub the rest of the way.

Following the segment, Beck took to Periscope to record a short video that gave her side of the incident. Beck, who once deposed Trump, explained that she thought she was being brought on for an interview, only to be later told it was a panel. She further noted that she heard a bunch of noise in the background, couldn’t see the others involved, and eventually a tech guy came on to tell her that she was done and cut her off.

Beck unleashed a tweetstorm on the situation, stating that she had another recent segment on CNN canceled, while tearing into the other panelists and just letting everyone know that she was ticked off.

And she then weighed in on CNN’s coverage in general:

Tell us how you really feel, Ms. Beck.

Watch the clip above, via CNN.

[image via screengrab]

Follow Justin Baragona on Twitter: @justinbaragona

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