Mueller’s Team Reportedly Asking About Trump’s Business Dealings With Russia Prior to 2016 - All NEWS

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Mueller’s Team Reportedly Asking About Trump’s Business Dealings With Russia Prior to 2016

CNN is reporting some pretty big news on Robert Mueller‘s probe tonight: the special counsel’s office is looking into President Trump‘s business dealings with Russia prior to the 2016 election.

According to CNN, Mueller’s investigators have been asking a number of people about Trump’s “business activities in Russia prior to the 2016 presidential campaign as he considered a run for president”:

Questions to some witnesses during wide-ranging interviews included the timing of Trump’s decision to seek the presidency, potentially compromising information the Russians may have had about him, and why efforts to brand a Trump Tower in Moscow fell through, two sources said.

The lines of inquiry indicate Mueller’s team is reaching beyond the campaign to explore how the Russians might have sought to influence Trump at a time when he was discussing deals in Moscow and contemplating a presidential run… Two of the sources said they do not know from the questions asked whether Mueller has concrete evidence to indicate wrongdoing.

One point of note in the report is one source saying Trump had been thinking about running back in 2014. But the President said this rather definitively earlier this month:

There have been questions to witnesses about possible Russian dirt on Trump and his 2013 travel to Moscow for Miss Universe.

You can watch CNN’s report above.

[image via screengrab]

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Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

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