Stormy Daniels Says She Will ‘Definitely’ Fire Avenatti if Domestic Abuse Allegations Prove True - All NEWS

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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Stormy Daniels Says She Will ‘Definitely’ Fire Avenatti if Domestic Abuse Allegations Prove True

Speaking at Oxford University in a clip released by CBS News,  Stormy Daniels said that if the allegations against Michael Avenatti turn out to be true, he is done as her lawyer.

“I’m sure Michael’s not going to like this, but until I know all of the candidates and their platforms, I will not endorse anyone. But I am open-minded,” Daniels said one day after her lawyer’s arrest, referring to the fact that Avenatti is considering a 2020 run.

Then after noting that she has been “bombarded” with information since the news broke about Avenatti’s arrest on domestic violence charges she added: “I will say that right now there are just allegations and I’m going to reserve judgment and I hope that everyone does, because trust me, I know what it feels like to be on the other end of that, until all the details are discovered.”

She also acknowledged some of the information has already proven to be false before stressing, “If the allegations turn out to be true, then I will definitely be seeking new representation.”

Shortly after Avenatti’s arrest, Daniels also issued a statement reading, in part, “These are serious and obviously very troubling allegations, but right now that is all they are: allegations. We should all reserve judgment until the investigation—an investigation Michael has said he welcomes—is complete, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

Her previous written statement also suggested if the allegations proved true she no longer wants Avenatti to be her lawyer.

Watch above, via CBS


from Mediaite

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